
Grilling is one of the Bolner Family’s favorite things to do, and we would like to share with you another one of our favorite rubs.

Availability: In stock SKU: 20247


Grilling is one of the Bolner Family’s favorite things to do, and we would like to share with you another one of our favorite rubs.

Sprinkle your steaks liberally with Bolner’s Fiesta Brand® Steakhouse Rub 30 minutes prior to cooking or refrigerate up to 24 hours after seasoning for maximum flavor development and tenderization. Grill steak over a hot charcoal fire until meat is at your desired doneness. Enjoy with mushrooms sautéed with 2 Tablespoons of butter, juice from 1 lemon, and 1 Tablespoon of Steakhouse Rub!